He read the letter, skimming it line by line, dashing through the editor's praise of his story to the meat of the letter, the statement why the check had not been sent. 他一行行地匆匆读去,掠过了编辑对他作品的赞美之词,要想找到主题:何以没有进支票,却没有找到。
As its name implies, the line editor, ed, performs edits on lines of input files. 顾名思义,行编辑器ed对输入文件的行执行编辑。
We use Microsoft Visual studio as the development environment, but you can use a command line compiler and a text editor. 我们使用MicrosoftVisualStudio作为开发环境,但也可以使用命令行编译器和文本编辑器。
When working with the line mode of the editor, keep two styles of commands in mind. 使用编辑器的行模式时,请记住两种命令样式。
Holding down the key rolls over each character in the line, flipping the case of any alpha characters the editor comes across. 按着这个键,移动游标经过行中的每个字符,就会切换遇到的每个字母字符的大小写。
That new line is then written back to the editor buffer by calling setline(), and the line tracking is updated for the next iteration 然后通过调用setline()将新的行写回到编辑器的缓存中,并且更新行跟踪以准备下一次遍历
In later articles, we'll explore two other common invocation techniques: running scripts as colon commands from Vim's command line, and using editor events to trigger scripts automatically. 从Vim命令行中以冒号形式运行脚本,并使用编辑器事件自动触发脚本。
While on the command line, simply click Esc to enter command mode in the vi inline editor, and then click K to pull the last command executed. 在命令行中,只需按Esc键即可进入vi行内编辑器的命令模式,然后按K键提取上次执行的命令。
The line containing the error is marked in the embedded editor. 在嵌入编辑器中,将标记出包含错误的代码行。
The command line features autocompletion ( using the Tab key), a full text editor for writing full functions instead of one liners, and so on. 命令行具有自动完成功能(使用Tab键)以及完善的文本编辑器(能够编写完整的函数而不仅仅是几行代码)等等。
To use it, set a breakpoint by clicking to the left of the line of code you'd like to break on within the Python editor. 要使用调试器,可在Python编辑器中想中断的代码行的左侧点击,设置断点。
Line coverage results are also displayed and marked in the Java editor, and you can use it to give a more precise indication of which lines are covered in each class. 行覆盖率结果也是显示的,并在Java编辑器中有所标记,而您可以使用它来得到一个更加明确的指示,也就是每一类中涉及到了哪一行。
Line mode enters into a line editor, allowing you to process commands on single or multiple lines. 行模式进入行编辑器,使您可以在一行或多行上处理命令。
All the queries in this article are designed to be issued interactively, which you can do through the DB2 command line processor or the DB2 Command Editor of the DB2 Control Center. 本文中的所有查询都是交互式地发出的,您可以通过DB2命令行处理器或DB2ControlCenter中的DB2CommandEditor发出查询。
The current call stack for the thread is displayed, and the current line of execution is highlighted in the editor in the Debug perspective. 该线程的当前调用堆栈就会显示出来,当前执行的代码行就会在Debug透视图中的编辑器中高亮显示。
To add a record definition, place the cursor on the last line of code in the editor. 要添加一条记录定义,将光标移到编辑器的最后一行代码上。
The program was named after the visual command in the extended line editor for UNIX 该程序以UNIX扩展行编辑器中的visual命令命名&简称为
No single line of code needed to be written; instead all the necessary assembly and configuration steps could be undertaken in the composite application editor. 不需要编写任何代码;相反,所有必要的组装和配置步骤都是在复合应用程序编辑器中完成的。
When you type on the command line now, think of it as you're now in insert mode in the vi editor. 现在,当您在命令行上键入时,将其视为处于vi编辑器中的插入模式。
Generally, you will execute this stored procedure either from command line using CLP or DB2 command editor to update the logging parameters. 通常,我们会在命令行中使用CLP或DB2命令编辑器来执行这个存储过程,以实现对日志参数的更新。
But you can often do an editing job at the command line more quickly than it takes to open the file in a text editor. 但是与在文本编辑器中打开文件相比,您通常可以在命令行更快地完成编辑工作。
When this check box is selected, a line number appears next to each line in the CSS editor. 选中此复选框后,css编辑器中的每行旁边都会出现一个行号。
The code causing the errors is marked with a wavy line underneath it in the code editor, and when your mouse pauses over the marked code, the error message appears. 代码编辑器中导致错误的代码会用波浪线在下方标记出来,当鼠标停留在带此标记的代码上时,会显示错误信息。
Any portion of a line that extends horizontally beyond the viewable editor area is automatically moved to the next line. 如果行的任何部分在水平方向超出了可视编辑器区域,则将该部分内容自动移动到下一行。
A line is changed in the code editor. 在“代码编辑器”中更改代码行时。
The thesis stems from the subject of "Navigation Line Editor System of Navy based on ENC". 本论文选题来源于基于电子海图的航路编辑器系统。
In the context of the executing code, which allows the user to navigate to the relevant line in Visual Studio ( or another code editor); 当查看执行代码视图时,它允许用户在VisualStudio(或其他代码编辑器)中定位到相关的行;
The functional expansion and design of the system line editor 系统行编辑的功能扩充与设计